Orthodontic emergencies
Common issues
Find after-hours solutions to orthodontic problems at home! Many common orthodontic problems can be solved with household items. See below for simple solutions to most braces emergencies.
But remember, if you ever need us, we’re always here for you at Ghaffari Orthodontics.
If a bracket or a part of your braces is irritating your lips or cheeks, dry the affected area with a tissue and place a small amount of wax over the affected area.
Use a pencil eraser or Q-tip to reposition the irritating wire. If you cannot reposition it, simply dry the area with a tissue and place orthodontic wax over the wire.
If a wire is loose, you may clip it using nail clippers or small wire clippers sterilized in alcohol. You may use gauze, cotton, tweezers, or a tissue to hold the free end of the wire for easy removal after clipping.
If you cannot clip the wire, use a pencil eraser to bend it toward the teeth/away from the cheek and place wax or cotton over the free end of the wire. Please call our office to schedule a repair appointment.
If an expander or banded appliance dislodges, push it back into place and eat soft foods until it is repaired.
Please call our office to schedule a repair appointment right away. Do not activate the appliance. If it comes out completely, place it in a bag and bring it to your appointment.
Note:Â Expanders and appliances should remain intact for the duration of treatment. If they become loose, it is usually caused by eating hard or sticky foods. Please refrain from eating these types of food.
If you have a loose or broken bracket, apply wax to the bracket to keep it from moving around.
Please call our office so we can determine whether to schedule you for a repair appointment or lengthen your next scheduled appointment to accommodate the repair.
If a band is loose, push it back onto the tooth and eat soft food until it is repaired. Please call our office so we can determine whether to schedule you for a repair appointment or lengthen your next scheduled appointment to accommodate the repair.
If an appliance such as headgear or elastics is attached to this band, immediately discontinue using the appliance.
If your retainer or removable appliance is not fitting correctly, do not attempt to force it into place. Please call our office to schedule an appointment to address this problem.
Good retainer wear will ensure straight teeth and well-fitting retainers.
Please call our office to determine whether you need to come in before your regularly scheduled appointment. This can usually wait until the next appointment to be replaced.
If you have sores or ulcers, apply over-the-counter analgesics such as Orabase or Ora-gel to the irritated area.
Warm salt water rinses can help the healing process as well. Apply wax to any brackets or wires that are causing the ulcer to reduce irritation.
This is normal. As teeth begin to move they will seem loose.
When they reach their final position they will stabilize as the bone remodels around the tooth.
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